A white ball is somewhat boring so let’s add a texture to it. To produce the UVs for a texture node we go back and use the output of the view-world Transform Vector node.
The Arctangent2 node creates an angular gradient which is sweeping around the center, in the -Pi..Pi range. The add and divide nodes convert that range to 0..1 which ensures proper tiling. That’s the U values down.
For the V we just crate a vertical gradient (-1..1) similarly how the sky occlusion worked, with it’s profile tweaked with the Power node for a visually more pleasant texture projection.
After appending the U and V branches and adjusting tiling the vector 2 data can be used as UVs for the texture sampler. I used the DefaultAlphaTexture asset from the Engine Content folder, for a black and white checkers image. It is the alpha in a lerp to blend between two colors. The result is then multiplied by the fake lighting.