Curves are defined by the following properties:
Input: What kind of data in the system drives the curve. If a vector type is chosen then a drop-down menu shows up which allows to pick a member of the vector.
Input range: Defines the range of the input data.
Curve widget: The curve itself, clicking on the control opens up the standard curve editor. The horizontal axis represents the “input range” portion of the input data while the vertical axis is the output range.
Output range: The range of possible output values.
These are the available curve inputs:
Acceleration: Emitter: The calculated acceleration of the emitter, can be imprecise at extremes.
Acceleration: Particle: The final acceleration of the particle with accelerations created by the velocity and position stacks factored in.
Color: The value of the similarly named stack.
Custom Scalar: The value of the similarly named stack.
Custom Vector: The value of the similarly named stack.
Death Condition (0..1): The value of the similarly named stack, representing how close the particle is to be marked for death.
Dying Duration: How long it is going to take for a particle to die after the “Death Condition” was met.
Forward: Emitter: The forward vector of the emitter.
Forward: Particle: The forward vector of the particle.
Frame Rate (0..1): Represents where the current frame rate is in the 15..60 fps range.
Particle count: The current particle count of the emitter.
Position: Emitter: The position of the game object which contains the emitter component.
Position: Emitter (Local): The parent relative position of the game object which contains the emitter component.
Position: Particle: The final position of the particle with displacement by the acceleration and velocity stacks factored in.
Rotation Rate: Particle: The value of the similarly named stack.
Rotation: Emitter: The container game object’s Euler rotation.
Rotation: Emitter (Local): The container game object’s parent relative Euler rotation.
Rotation: Emitter: The final rotation of the particle with rotation by the rotation rate stack factored in.
Scale: Emitter: The scale of the emitter.
Scale: Particle: The value of the similarly named stack.
Spawn Rate: The current spawn rate.
Time: Collision: (Not implemented.) How long it’s been since the last collision.
Time: Death (0..1): How far the particle is through its “Dying Duration”.
Time: Emitter: The age of the emitter.
Time: Loop (0..1): A value between 0 and 1 representing how far the emitter has completed its current loop.
Time: Particle: The age of the particle.
Velocity: Emitter: The calculated velocity of the emitter, can be imprecise at extremes.
Velocity: Particle: The final velocity of the particle with velocities created by the acceleration and position stacks factored in.